A black heart with a white circle in the middle on a white background.

Help us fulfill our mission purpose to enrich the cultural and civic life of Woodland and to support the Woodland Public Library in its mission

Friends of the Woodland Library Book Sales

Book sales are on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at the times listed below unless otherwise noted.

All sales are held in the Friends Book Room.

The entrance is conveniently located below the left side of the steps to the Main Library Entrance at 250 First Street. Your purchases directly benefit the library, helping to fund essential programs and services.

Open to the Public:

Mon, Wed, Fri
A white building with a green book sale sign on the door
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Donate your gently used books and other items

The Woodland Public Library accepts donations on behalf of the Friends during its open hours.

If you need a receipt for tax purposes, the Friends will provide one. We cannot, however, assign a dollar value to your donation.

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We gratefully accept the following:

  • Books
  • Recorded Books
  • DVDs
  • Magazines

All donations should be gently used, clean and in good condition.

minus sign in a hexagon shape

Donations we will not accept:

  • Encyclopedias or dictionaries
  • Instructions books and manuals (How To)
  • Bibles
  • Reader’s Digest condensed books and collections
  • Textbooks over 10 years old (We do accept teacher’s manuals)
  • Marked up books
  • Dirty, worn, yellowed, mildewed books
  • Electronic equipment of any kind