A black heart with a white circle in the middle on a white background.

Help us fulfill our mission purpose to enrich the cultural and civic life of Woodland and to support the Woodland Public Library in its mission

Why Become a Friend?

Thanks to our volunteer and community support, the library has beautifully maintained enhanced collections, advanced technology and an expert staff. Your Friends’ annual membership and active involvement help to sustain this record of excellence. As a member of the Friends, we help your voice be heard on library issues, just as you help our voice become louder as our membership grows.

As a friend, you will receive:

  • Advance admittance and preview at all book sales, where members get a chance to be the first to see and purchase books from the latest donated book collections.
  • The “Friends to Friends” newsletter, which keeps you updated on Friends’ activities and volunteer opportunities.
  • Admittance into members-only receptions to meet visiting authors, musicians and other entertainers performing for special events.
  • A vote at the annual membership meeting.
  • A tax deduction for membership cost.
  • The first chance to purchase tickets for any ticketed events, such as the annual “Murder Mystery in the Library.”
  • An opportunity to participate in library staff and Friends’ member appreciation events.
  • The sense of fulfillment that comes from supporting an important and vital community institution.