A black heart with a white circle in the middle on a white background.

Help us fulfill our mission purpose to enrich the cultural and civic life of Woodland and to support the Woodland Public Library in its mission

Donate to the Friends of Woodland Public Library

A black and white drawing of a box with a heart inside of it.

Your Donation Helps the Friends fulfill Our Mission purpose which is to enrich the cultural and civic life of Woodland and to support the Woodland Public Library in its mission.

Where your donations go:

One of the most exciting and fulfilling ways the Friends offer support is by funding special on-going programs for the library and the community.

Some of these include:

  • Children’s Reading Programs
  • Teen Programs, such as game night, movie night, plays, Teen Advisory Group, etc.
  • Woodland Reads, a community wide reading event
  • Adult Brown Bag Reading Club
  • Summer Reading Programs for children and adults
  • Special event appearances by authors, musicians and other artists
  • “Story Time at the Library”
  • Book Page subscription
  • Special family programs such as the Wolf Education Program 

And much, much more...

A group of people and children sitting with a police officer posed for a photograph in a library
A woman wearing a sweatshirt that says ' virginia ' on it is holding a book

Ways to Donate

Join our Friends Sponsorship Program

Sign Up  for one of our Friends Sponsored Programs.

Donate Via Paypal

Every generous contribution enables us to offer enjoyable activities, community gatherings, and youth programs.

Donate via Check

Make a one time donation or a re-occurring monthly donation.

By Sending a Check to:
Friends of the Woodland Public Library P.O. Box 545 Woodland, CA 95776

Become a Friend of the Woodland Public Library

By joining the Friends, you become part of a dedicated community that champions our library. Your membership and active involvement ensure we continue to provide exceptional services and programs.

Our members are volunteers and advocates for a strong library system in our community. We believe that the oldest operating Carnegie Library in California deserves an engaged organization that represents the community’s interests about library issues.